

Heute mal ein kleines Schmankerl fuer Leute, die exzessiv oder gerne hin und wieder wie ich etwas Musik in der Richtung Elektronik, Downtempo, Nu-Jazz hoeren. Ein Schmankerl ganz besonders, weil es umsonst und sehr differenziert ist.

Das Netlabel Aerotone Umsonst, melanscholisch, schoen.

Besser als ich, koennen es die Jungs dort selber beschreiben.
About 6am. - we have reached the airport, because you have to leave. Not for a couple of days, but for a period of time that will be painful for both of us. You have to go the distance, as it is part of your masterplan. And I have to stay here because here is my life. We don't talk much. We don't find words to express our feelings right now.

This night we promised to each other that the miles between us won't harm us, that this circumstance will tie us up even stronger. But I know you can see the fear and sadness in my eyes like I can feel it when I look in yours.

I can hear the planes taking off, people whispering. I listen to the announcements which intend to separate peolpe from each other. I wait until our call echos through the terminal to tell: time to say good bye to my love.

Again and again I look at you, while you try to fix my eyes. Both we feel desperation and melancholy which can't be put into words. So we just sit here, watch the planes heading to other places. I hold your hand that feels cold and sad. Just as if you were already gone.

Daylight is crawling up form behind the horizon. This is our call. One last fearful glance from your face before we hug and kiss. You promise me to be mine forever, I nod and wave good bye. Then you are gone. I watch your plane leaving the building, blow you a kiss which vanishes into the terminal air.

Back home I feel empty and tired, but determined to store this state of feelings. I sit down and start to make music... sounds like some aerotone.
Fuer die Faulen reducded to money and cocksize:
welcome to aerotone. we are a netlabel and we love melancholic music.
Kann ich nur empfehlen.

Viel Spass


edit: Fuer den Einsteig kann ich vlt. 'Bluebridge Quartet' naheliegen. Hat was von alten Cinematic Orchestra sachen
"Das Leben wird zunehmend in unserer Makro-Funktional-Gesellschaft vom natuerlichen Reize entwoehnt; wenn man sich zus. noch eigene Gesetze schafft, denen man sich unterwirft und unverschaemterweise auch anderen dieses abverlangt, wird es zu einer Farce." - Prof. Dr. H. Schneider