Geht net...externe Links zu Bildern beblockt...zumindest soweit ich das Spanisch verstehe... :)
After a week with a Windows machine I get the feeling that this system is made by people who know a lot about computers. Macs seem to be made by people who know a lot about people. Nigel Kendal

Gewusst wie...danke sehr interesante Bilder... :)
After a week with a Windows machine I get the feeling that this system is made by people who know a lot about computers. Macs seem to be made by people who know a lot about people. Nigel Kendal

das schoene heineken...aber toll gemacht
Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash: Be water, my friend!

Schießen die da ne Kugel durch oder wie machen die das? Bei manchen Sachen ist das echt Unklar. Die Luftballons sind die coolsten. Ich würd auch gerne so eine Kamara haben. Was man damit alles machen kann. o_O

Vielleicht Sowas?
"This coffee is fucking uber duber!" shouted Edward as he took a sip from his iced mocha frappachino.