ToteKuh hat geschrieben:plan b & mäckes - isolationierung
okay, das handelt dir respekt bei mir ein.
Ein Nasshorn und ein Trockenhorn spazierten durch die Wüste.
Da stolperte das Trockenhorn und's Nasshorn sagte: "Siehste?!"
- Heinz Erhardt

Orchid - ...And The Cat Turned To Smoke
I need a purpose, I need a reason, I need to know if there´s trophy and meaning to all we lose and all we fight for, to all of our loves and our wars

Eaves - Gestern Ist Nicht Morgen
I need a purpose, I need a reason, I need to know if there´s trophy and meaning to all we lose and all we fight for, to all of our loves and our wars

Lifehous - Hanging By A Moment
I need a purpose, I need a reason, I need to know if there´s trophy and meaning to all we lose and all we fight for, to all of our loves and our wars